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People Love Us!

It’s not a secret. Customers love our services. Have a look at some of our latest testimonials from real customers.

Best Out There

We hired the Total landscaping company to completely re-do our front and backyard. They did an amazing job! Everything was planned out perfectly and executed on time. Now everyone on our street is jealous of our beautiful yard.

Amazing Service

Best landscaping service ever! Our yard was in desperate need of some TLC and the team at TOTAL more than delivered. They were fast, attentive and professional. I set up my appointment and met with one of their head landscape designers within a week. After we finalized the layout, the rest of the crew got to work turning sketches into reality. I simply couldn’t be any happier with my yard. I’ve already recommended TOTAL to all of my friends and family!

Beautiful Result

When we first moved into our new house the yard was a bit lack luster. It needs some major help to really shine. That’s here TOTAL Landscaping came in. They came highly recommended from a neighbor and boy they did not disappoint! We went over ideas and came up with a plan that was both cost and water efficient. Now our yard is the belle of the neighborhood and we have other neighbors asking who fixed it up. Thanks so much TOTAL!

Highly Recommended!

My daughter had been telling me for years to just hire someone to handle the outdoor maintenance for me. I can get around just fine, but sometimes lugging a lawn mower around for an hour is just too much. She found TOTAL Landscaping for me after searching Yelp for a good company in the area. I am so happy with the service thus far! All the employees are hard working and a pleasure to talk to. I really wish I had contacted TOTAL sooner!

5 Star Service

We hired TOTAL Landscaping to help us create and maintain a commercial garden for our local Cornerstone Hotel. They were professional, efficient and have done a fabulous job with seasonal planting decor. We’ve even been featured in numerous magazines thanks to them! Can’t recommend their services enough.

Exactly What We Wanted

I’ve had TOTAL taking care of my yard since they were just a father son team. This is a great company with a great service. You won’t be sorry if you hire them!

Highly Recommended

Love the support with this theme! It’s always quick and easy to follow. We picked this theme for the drag’n’drop feature, so that our employees of all levels of experience are able to make updates. Highly recommended theme by OIMP.

Very Happy

Very happy with this theme. Easy to setup and customize settings. Including visual composer within the theme should be the standard for all themes. Jam packed with options to build a great responsive website. A+ theme.

Love it

Great coding, so flexible and makes it possible to develop and deliver unique websites for clients very quickly. Love the customer support too.

Everything I Ever Wanted In One Theme

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Best Theme Ever

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Build A Custom Homepage In Minutes

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Valid, High Quality Code

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Multiple Blog Layouts

Ellentesque sed ipsum ut diam mattis semper. In hendrerit vel diam sed egestas. Sed feugiat, diam id mattis lacinia, ligula ligula congue velit, sed venenatis justo nulla in elit. Nullam in bibendum est, in malesuada erat. Nam magna mi, pretium eget lorem et, placerat aliquet mi. Donec nisl leo, sodales fringilla eros ut, fringilla pharetra lorem.

Beautiful Galleries

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Great Options

Nullam velit purus, ultricies eget metus non, eleifend egestas arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Donec non turpis nec nunc tincidunt commodo. Duis ac nisi magna. Quisque faucibus eleifend dictum. Mauris rhoncus mollis nisl sed congue. Maecenas in lorem ut orci porta dapibus. Suspendisse velit nunc, scelerisque non metus eget, fringilla iaculis dui. Etiam ligula purus, imperdiet a tortor vel, tincidunt euismod sem.

Easy To Use Page Builder

Cras eu justo dignissim, tincidunt eros a, ullamcorper leo. Donec adipiscing a quam sed accumsan. Morbi porta!

User Friendly Theme

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Fast, Reliable & Stylish

Duis sit amet orci et lectus dictum auctor a nec enim. Donec suscipit fringilla elementum. Suspendisse nec justo ut felis ornare tincidunt vitae et lectus. In iaculis mauris luctus massa pellentesque blandit. Integer et neque. Nulla vitae dictum nisi, ut ultrices tortor. Proin placerat porttitor nunc sed porttitor.

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